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Pr Gaming / PantherRayven



PR Gaming was born about two years ago, (2017) but I never did anything with it other than stream on occasion.


About a year & a half ago (2018), I got a little more into streaming but not big, I did decide to dress up my twitch and then about 10 months ago (2019) for some reason I was bitten and infected with a bad case of wanting to stream.


When I first started I just streamed with people I was playing with here and there and then on to streaming my guild and then guild events.


I have now progressed into wanting to stream more and as such have been hard at work trying to earn twitch follows.


I am not a pro gamer, I am still learning and hope to continue to learning.


I started gaming many years ago on a game called NeverWinterNights (loved that game).


Moved on to Oblivion, Skyrim, Xcom 1 & 2, Never Winter Online, (ESO) Elder Scrolls Online, WarFrame, Apex Legends, Realm Royale & Call of Duty Modern Warfare.


I've been playing ESO almost five (5) very happy gaming years.

WarFrame, Apex Legends & Modern Warfare are new games for me.


At this time  I currently stream:

ESO/WarFrame/Apex Legends/Realm Royale/Modern Warfare


Offline I'm a wife, mom & grandmother.

I have 4 beautiful adult children and 5 adorable grandchildren, three of whom I'm currently raising due to the tragedy of their father being murdered three years ago. Sadly their mom is unable to cope with his loss at this time, so we have the task of showing our babies the more joyful side of life. While we can't erase their hurts we can show them they are loved and that there is still joy in the world.


Streaming allows me to do something  I enjoy while still be present for my grandchildren.


When not gaming I enjoy web design, working with my dog, gardening, cooking/baking/brewing & crafts with my grandchildren.


  • Current hobbies - Photography & Kombucha Brewing

  • Religion - None, I'm just a very spiritual person

  • Drink of choice - Water with Lemon

  • Something I advocate for - Marijuana (Medical and Recreational)





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